Monthly Archives: September 2020

Hexie Play

I have been randomly making English Paper Piecing hexagons since sometime last year I think it was. I would do a few from a stack of random scraps while watching a show or movie. When individual scraps weren’t big enough, I’d join them together to get a bit of a patchwork hexie. Mind you, these are one inch hexies so the scraps had to be fairly small to require preemptive joining. This year I started joining some of them in combos that spoke to me.

The last photo in the gallery is of a couple of predominantly green fabrics that I’m thinking of using as an applique background for the shapes. Several ideas have presented so I’m simply letting them all simmer in the back of my mind.

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Filed under Needlework

Getting Dirty

I’m still working, but am doing so remotely. This has been a boon in that I’m not quite so exhausted most weekends and in the afternoons. My yard and garden have benefited and have provided in return.

It’s nice to be able to sit outside or wander around the yard if needed. Many things have been blooming, and the edibles have been doing well overall. Considering our summers are cold and fog laden, having as much develop and come in as I have has been exciting and tasty. The tomatoes and calabacita have been prolific, enough so that I’ve been giving some away. I do need to go out and harvest the sugar snap peas that are ready. The dwarf lime tree I bought last year appears to be producing 3 times as many fruits as it did last year. I’m hoping the kumquat will do the same next year. There have been intriguing buds on the pomegranate so we will have to see what becomes of those.

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Filed under Gardening

Adding to the Stash

Why, yes, I am catching up on happenings…

Like many areas, there have been a lot of store closures over the last several months. We’ve lost our Pier 1 and Tuesday Morning. I’ve read that Pier 1 went through a reorg and buy out and will now be online only.

Tuesday Morning didn’t close all their stores, but the next closest one is over an hour away even without traffic. That’s just not feasible for me. Mom tells me the one by her is still open. That will have to be one of our stops when we go down for a visit. Losing TM is harder than losing P1. It fed my eclectic decor tastes, as well as my gourmet food preferences on a budget. Specialty pastas, teas, preserves. I also used to get my random housewares like shower curtains, bath mats, soaps, etc. there. Plus there was the craft section where charm packs, jelly roll, and the occasional yard cut could be found, not to mention the yarns, sketch books, pens, pencils, stamps, and more. You can probably hear me sighing.

Another big loss was our local Beverly’s. This store lost it’s lease. It was a place we could go for arts and craft supplies of all kinds. I would also get a lot of my notions there. Luckily the quilt shop seems to be going strong, however, there are things that cannot be had there and will either have to be ordered or necessitate a drive out to Joann’s, a mere 45 minutes.

While I do still lament the loss of Beverly’s, I did take advantage of their sales. I have my first pair of pinking shears, and they are left handed to boot. I also found a bunch of Hoffman quilting fabric. I took them to the cutting stations and said I’d take whatever was left on the bolt. The 1st trip I brought home seven bolts and the shears. The second trip resulted in four more bolts and another three pairs of shears. I plan to eventually post the extra shears for sale.

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Filed under Quilting

Who Was That Masked Man?

I sat down and made a stack of masks a while back. The brown camouflage and red ones were at my son’s request along with any that have ear loops. I did a set with ties for myself or with the elastic long enough and situated so that it goes around my head. The ear loops style irritates the skin behind my ears, especially with wearing glasses. I gave away a couple and have more prepped for sewing but haven’t gotten around to it. We have enough of a stash for daily wear for a week, and we don’t leave the house much.

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